Resilient Mount Motors

resilient_mountOur highly popular resilient mount motors (also known as fan coil motors) are P.S.C. (permanent split capacitor) motors and EC (Electronically commutated). They have a variety of applications including air curtain, fan decks, refrigeration, air conditioning and many more.

The motors come in three body diameters which scale along with motor output power (105mm, 120mm and 145mm). They are available in single and three phase supply and both four pole (1250RPM) and six pole (850RPM).

These fan coil and refrigeration motors fit via a resilient base which is bolted/welded to a tray and the motors then fit to this base via two resilient rings either side of the motor body and fastened into place by two resilient clips (sometimes called horseshow clips).

The motor power varies from 15watts up to 550watts, in both single speed and multi-speed versions. The size of our range enables us to cross match most fan coil units that are currently in operation within the UK.

105 range of permanent split capacitor (PSC) motors are manufactured in 2, 4 and 6 pole versions with a power output ranging from 8W up to 150W. They are found primarily in air movement and HVAC applications, the motors themselves can be either ventilated or totally enclosed depending upon the application. Our 120 & 48 range motors are available in 4 and 6 pole with powers up to 370watts.

With the new ERP regulations we also are able to offer a wide range of EC (Electronically commutated) energy saving motors which can be fitted to both new and also retro-fitted to existing units.

Resilient Mount Single Shaft

Resilient Mount Double Shaft